BCIA Awards Finalists 2025

We’re thrilled to announce the finalists for the 2025 BCIA Awards! Congratulations to all of this year’s outstanding finalists — your achievements are truly something to celebrate!

  • Building Controls & BEMS Installer of the Year

    Awarded in recognition of the building controls and/or building energy management systems (BEMS) installer which demonstrates professionalism, commitment and understanding of the needs of clients.

    Sponsored by Trend Control Systems



    andOr Systems

    Crown House Technologies

    Global Associates

    Lloret Control Systems

    Westminster Controls

  • Engineer of the Year

    This award is open to individuals working for controls installers, manufacturers, consulting engineers or FM companies who best demonstrate engineering excellence in controls and BEMS.

    Sponsored by Johnson Controls


    Jose Campos, 3mse

    Matt Chivers, E.ON Control Solutions

    Jason Edmed, 1 Control

    Connor McMenamin, Optimised

    Carl Palmer, Global Associates

    Deepu Pottayil, SSE Energy Solutions - Smart Buildings

    Kim Spencer, Crown House Technologies

  • Young Engineer of the Year

    Awarded to the individual aged 35 years or under who best demonstrates the achievements gained through successful participation in the BCIA Technical Training Programme and other building controls educational programmes.

    Sponsored by BCIA


    Zoe Dickson, SSE Energy Solutions - Smart Buildings

    Luke Fitzpatrick, Belimo Automation UK

    Jamie Hill, Schneider Electric

    Finbar Kiefer, Global Associates

    George Murton, One Sightsolutions

    Bailey Pinney, AES Control Systems

    George Ragon, 3mse

    Jessica Rees , System Five, a 4energy group company

    Connor Stafford, Crown House Technologies

    George Stephens-Clark, InTandem Systems

    Patrick Szostak, Learnd

    Jon Warburton, Electracom Projects UK

    Martin Ward, E.ON Control Solutions

    Harry Wescombe, One Sightsolutions

    Liam Wyles, E.ON Control Solutions

    Abdulmalek Zabara, BMSI


  • Apprentice of the Year

    Awarded to the individual who best demonstrates the achievements gained through successful participation in an approved Building Energy Management Systems (BEMS) or building controls apprenticeship.

    Sponsored by Group Horizon



    Ibrahim Ali, Schneider Electric

    Alfie Baldwin, Crown House Technologies

    Luke Boorer, Integrated Building Management Systems

    Alfie Crooks, Schneider Electric

    Lucy Gale, Schneider Electric

    Charlotte Hammond , Carbon Numbers

    James Luckie, Electracom Projects UK

    Russell McGuinness, E.ON Control Solutions

    James Middleton, BMSI

    Ricardo Miller, E.ON Control Solutions

    Ethan O'Neill, Econowise Drives & Controls

    Louis Padbury, Sauter Automation

    Benjamin Pashley, Schneider Electric

    Jacob Pettitt, PA Collacott & Co

    Gaetano Pinedo, Learnd

    Luca Rowley, Mitie

    Alfie Simester, Sauter Automation

    Donat Tanczos, AES Control Systems

    Georgie Weaver, System Five, a 4energy group company

    Finlay Wilkinson, E.ON Control Solutions

  • Energy Management Award

    Awarded to a manufacturer, installer or team in recognition of a project which demonstrates how building controls and/or BEMS have been applied to increase energy efficiency in a building or building complex.

    Sponsored by Priva UK



    3mse, The Scalpel, 52 Lime Street

    Econowise Drives & Controls, Savills RISE24 Energy Management Project using Sentinll Analytics

    E.ON Control Solutions, EMEA Energy Dashboard

    Global Associates, Pfizer Florey Chain House

    Learnd, Driving forward Net Zero with BMS for Stagecoach Group

    SSE Energy Solutions - Smart Buildings, Energy Partnership Service

  • Best Service & Maintenance Provider

    Awarded to the company which best demonstrates outstanding levels of customer care in the provision of long-term service and maintenance contracts for Building Energy Management Systems (BEMS) and building controls.

    Sponsored by Western Automation




    Global Associates

    SSE Energy Solutions - Smart Buildings (London University)

    SSE Energy Solutions - Smart Buildings (London Hospital)

    System Five, a 4energy group company

    Westminster Controls

  • Technical Innovation of the Year – Products

    Awarded to the most innovative building controls/BEMS product development introduced in the last 12 months. Entries must detail what aspects of the product are innovative.

    Sponsored by CIBSE



    BMSI, Magstand UK

    Consyst, IN700Air-HVAC Integration and metering gateway

    Consyst, LumenRadio-Wireless BACnet

    Fantom Factory, Green Analytics

    J2 Innovations, FIN Intelligence,

    Passiv UK, Passiv Smart Thermostat (PST)

  • Technical Innovation of the Year – Projects

    Awarded to the project installer/team which demonstrates innovative thinking on the installation or service/maintenance of building controls or BEMS. The project must have been delivered in the last 12 months.

    Sponsored by Crane Building Services



    Econowise Drives & Controls, Project Greenflow (Savills)

    E.ON Control Solutions, Canary Wharf Optimisation and Visibility Pilot (LoRaWAN)

    Global Associates, Port of Dover

    J2 Innovations, Innon Energy's installation of Link Edge at Total Control HQ

    Lockheed Martin, Smart Buildings IIoT & Reliability-Centered Maintenance

    Thanium Nine, Simmtronics HQ

    Westminster Controls, University of Bradford Joseph Priestley Decarbonisation

  • Contribution to Training Award

    Awarded to the individual, company or organisation that has contributed to training on the installation, design and/or use of building controls and BEMS. This can include training for controls professionals, clients, end-users or apprentices.

    Sponsored by BCIA Training


    Fantom Factory

    Group Horizon (BEMS Controls Engineer Apprenticeship)

    Group Horizon (BEMS Experienced Worker Assessment)

    InTandem Systems


    Schneider Electric Training Academy (Andy Butterworth)


  • Outstanding Contribution Award

    Awarded to the individual who has made a significant and consistent contribution to the building controls sector. The individual will have demonstrated a strong commitment to supporting the building controls and BEMS industry, for example by helping to raise awareness of the importance of controls; to support the BCIA in its work; or by helping to raise standards in training and performance for our industry.

    Winner will be announced on the night