BEMS Experienced Worker Assessment
About the EWA
The Assessment is for BEMS engineers that require an ECS Gold Card, or those who have an ECS Gold Card which is soon expiring.
The Experienced Worker Assessment programme aims to assess and validate the skills and knowledge of workers who have gained significant experience in the BEMS field. The dedicated email address for this assessment is ewa@grouphorizon.co.uk, this is the address where your information and registration forms will arrive from and for candidates to use if they have any questions/queries throughout the duration of the Assessment.
The assessment will require the candidates to prove their eligibility through the following areas:
Experience – Candidates should have a minimum of 5 years of work experience in the field.
Recommendations – Letters of recommendation or references from current or past employers and/or customers will be required.
Sponsor – A qualified person to confirm the candidate status. This maybe the employer or a colleague who has the credentials to speak on behalf of the candidate.
Benefits to completing the Experienced Worker Assessment:
Completing the BEMS Control Engineer Experienced Worker Assessment will help progress candidates in many ways. Especially those who did not have any prior qualifications to go with their knowledge and abilities when working in the industry. Some benefits include:
Formal recognition of prior learning and experience
ECS Gold Card & Awarding Organisation certification
Career advancement
The EWA Timeline
There are 5 main, key stages in the EWA process. Make sure you take care in each stage to hit the criteria necessary. Obtaining an EWA temporary card gives you a maximum of 18 months to complete the assessment, before expiring. Completing all stages allows a candidate to build their portfolio and prove that they have the competency to hold and obtain a ECS Gold Card. The five main stages are:
EWA Application
ECS Testing
Assessment Stage
Interview Stage
The first stage is to complete your online EWA application. You will need to provide the following information:
Personal information
Industry experience and/or qualifications
Name and contact details of sponsor
A member of the EWA team will review your completed online application form.
This stage is after your successful application, you will be able to register for the programme. You will be emailed a link to our online EWA portal which you will use throughout your programme.
You will be provided further Information, Advice and Guidance and be able to check if this is the right option for you. You will then be asked to submit a passport style photograph and your National Insurance Number.
After completing and registering for the EWA, you will receive an email confirming your ECS Health Safety and Environmental Awareness test and ECS Battery test.
Please ensure you follow the instructions carefully; you could fail the test if you don’t.
ECS Health Safety and Environmental Awareness test (30 minutes) – You must achieve a pass mark of 86% (43 out of 50 questions).
ECS Battery test (90 minutes) – You must achieve an overall pass mark of 60% (84 out of 140 questions) over the 14 sections. Upon completion you will receive a gap analysis on the areas you need to improve on.
There are 3 assessments that you are required to complete, covering the 15 duties, to be uploaded to the EWA portal. This can be done via the Skills Assessments, supported by Witness Testimonies. This must all be your own work and verified by your employer/sponsor. Each assessment will be reviewed and evaluated by a qualified assessor, to ensure a fair an accurate assessment process. Resubmissions are also possible.
You will be invited to attend an online interview with a industry technical expert to demonstrate your knowledge, skills and competency. After completion of the interview, and sign off from the technical expert, you will be awarded your ECS Gold Card.
Frequently Asked Questions
Information regarding all of the Building Controls ECS cards is available on the ECS website, please visit https://www.ecscard.org.uk/card-types
The cost of the assessment including both exams and EWA card issue is £1,395 +VAT. An invoice will be issued directly to your employer once your exams are booked.
The assessment can be completed in as little as 3-6 months however the Building Controls EWA card allows a maximum period of 18 months for the assessment to be completed.
Once enrolled you will be issued with an account and given access to the EWA portal where all evidence can be uploaded once produced.
You can contact the EWA team via email ewa@grouphorizon.co.uk or telephone 0191 497 7722.
A temporary card is awarded and is valid for 18 months, and is designed to bridge the gap between your old card expiring and successful completion of the BEMS EWA.
This allows you to perform your duties on site whilst giving you sufficient time to collect and submit the remaining evidence to complete the Experienced Worker Assessment and achieve a Building Controls Gold Card.
To be issued with a Building Controls Experienced Worker card, you must first successfully complete the following:
ECS Health, Safety & Environmental Awareness test (30 minutes in duration) A pass mark of 86% (43 out of 50 questions) is required.
ECS Battery test (90 minutes in duration) A pass mark of 60% (84 out of 140 questions) is required over the 14 sections.
We advise that both exams are completed at the same time so that both run concurrently.
Once issued, your ECS Gold Card will be valid for a full five years.
A suitable Technical Witness/Sponsor is someone who has current knowledge of the BEMS industry, a good level of experience and who is occupationally competent.
Ideally the Witness/Sponsor will;
Have current and credible expertise and occupational competence
Have a professional role which involves evaluating the everyday practice of others
Be registered with a professional regulatory body such as the BCIA
Hold a recognised qualification linked to the sector
If not already, all Expert Witnesses must make themselves familiar with the requirements and competencies of this programme and in most cases, they will work directly alongside the candidate within an operational setting either as their onsite supervisor, direct manager, or experienced co-worker.
This will eliminate any concerns in relation to the impartiality and/or independence of those linked to the Experienced Worker Assessment.
The EWA team must be notified of any changes and each request will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
This practice helps authenticate the evidence you have provided.
Your assessments will be marked by a sector expert and feedback provided.
Where applicable, you will be able to update and re-submit your initial submission once all evidence needed has been added.
Training Courses
BEMS Controls Engineer Apprenticeship
ECS Cards