BCIA appoints Gemserv to help enhance position as leading voice for Building Controls industry

The BCIA has appointed Gemserv to provide support with policy responses and sector positioning information.

Gemserv is an expert provider of professional services and part of the Talan International Consulting Group. As part of a dynamic global network, Gemserv offers combined capabilities in the areas of clean energy transition, cyber security, and wider innovation and transformation through technology.

Placing building controls at the heart of policy decisions and increasing the value placed on building controls, through better understanding, are two strategic priorities endorsed by members when co-creating the BCIA corporate plan, with Gemserv’s appointment directly supporting accelerated focus in these areas.

Over the coming months the BCIA will be requesting information from members to allow Gemserv to prepare an evidenced policy response to the Part L statutory consultations (Future Building Standard).

Gemserv will be asking for input to support the development of sector positioning information aimed at raising awareness of the value of the building controls industry with policymakers, intermediaries and end users.

Gemserv will be issuing a survey shortly after which it will be conducting an analysis of the data gathered (from the members’ survey) to form headline findings that demonstrate the value of the building controls industry.

For the policy position statement and to ensure a robust and considered response to the consultation, it will be vital that every BCIA member responds to the survey in order to obtain an accurate picture that articulates the health of the sector.


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